Low Income Help

Energy Assistance

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that assists eligible households with their energy needs. In Virginia, the program is seasonal meaning it may assist you with heating bills in winter and cooling bills in summer. Your household must meet income and other eligibility requirements to participate. Visit the Fairfax County website. (703) 324-7500 TTY (703) 222-9452

Food Security

Food, Financial and Medical Assistance. Programs are offered by the Department of Family Service (DFS) Public Assistance and employment Services. You can apply online at CommonHelp.Virginia.gov. (855) 635-4370

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP can help you and your family with buying food using a special debit card called an EBT card. Apply through the state’s Department of Social Services.

Meals on Wheels is a program that provides nutritious meals to people who are homebound. To find out more about this and other programs that might help, via our Long Term Services and Support section.

Herndon-Reston FISH provides low-income families who are food insecure with gift cards to shop at Giant or Safeway. The organization also helps with emergency assistance including help with rent, paying for prescriptions and other critical needs.

Assistance Services and Pantry Program (ASAPP) is operated by Reston’s Cornerstones nonprofit and is the largest food pantry program in Northern Virginia. Cornerstones also sponsors a Hypothermia Assistance Program in the winter months. (571) 323-1400


There is affordable housing in Reston. Options range from subsidized housing that often has long waiting lists to affordable apartments or town houses. For details, contact Fairfax County’s Office of Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

For those who own their own home and need help with making a repair or making their home more age friendly, apply to the Home Repair Program for the Elderly Program. There are income limits as well as other requirements needed to qualify. For more information, call (703) 246-5179 TTY 711

Similarly, the nonprofit Rebuilding Together will make critical repairs for those homeowners with low incomes living in our area who wish to age in place. For more information, call (703) 528-1999


You may be eligible for Medicaid, the state/federal insurance program for those with limited income and resources. In some cases, you may be dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid meaning most health care expenses would be paid in full. You can apply online at common help.virginia.gov.

Benefits Help

The Fairfax County Department of Family Services for Older Adults can help you find available services and benefits programs. The program offers a Services for Older Adults hotline that can connect you with dozens of programs that can help you find dozens of available resources. Call (703) 324-7948 TTY 711 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fairfax County offers a searchable online Human Services Resource Guide that lists nonprofit and government resources such as housing, food, financial assistance, and transportation in Reston and county wide. The guide includes detailed service descriptions, locations and contact information.

BenefitsCheckUp is a website sponsored by the National Council on Aging. You can use this free and confidential tool to find out what federal and local government benefits programs you may be eligible for. Application information is also included after you fill out a confidential questionnaire.

The Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington provides social services to low and moderate income individuals and families. Bilingual staff assist Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese clients in finding federal and state benefits programs such as Social Security, SSI, Medicare Part D Extra Help as well as rental assistance and finding affordable housing.


Visit our Transportation section to find out what programs offer rides especially for those with limited income. Fairfax County, for example, has the TOPS program that allows you access to a number of transportation options. You qualify based on criteria you can find on its page and receive a debit card.

Other Help

The Closet in Herndon has slightly used clothes, housewares, toys, books, antiques and other goods at reasonable prices and, in some cases, free to those who are particularly needy.

Herndon-Reston FISH sponsors the Bargain Loft where you can find non-upholstered furniture, antiques, collectibles, linens, small electronics, lamps, DVDs & CDs, cameras,  dishes, brass, glass, and household necessities at reasonable prices.

You can find general information on affordable housing or what to do if you are in danger of becoming homeless in our Housing section. Also, those with limited income and resources may qualify for free Legal Help.